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The Axehole Dungeon


Safety first!  Well at least second!   I mean you are axe-throwing, afterall.  

Familiarize yourself with our dungeon rules to ensure a fun and safe experience for everyone. Click here to view the full list of guidelines.

Master the official guidelines of the World Axe Throwing League (WATL) and elevate your game. Click here for a comprehensive overview of the rules and how to apply them during your throws.

​Learn the basics of keeping score with just a few simple rules. Click here for details on scoring and how to track your progress effectively.

Dungeon House Rules

Axehole Dungeon House Rules & Safety

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General rules
• Everyone must sign a waiver
• Closed-toe shoes are required.
• Spectators will be asked to leave if they throw.
• Intoxicated person will not be allowed to throw.
• Two drinks maximum while throwing.
• Minors age 10-17 are permitted to throw with adult supervision.

Axe and Lane Safety
• Follow your axepert coach directions.
• One thrower, one axe per lane.
• Stay behind the safety line when not throwing.
• Axes must stay in the bins when not being thrown.
Axes shall never be thrown when a person or live object is beyond the 12ft fault line.
• Throw from in front of the line if you are throwing.
• No aggressive or destructive throwing.
• Excessive force in throwing may result in axes bouncing back or sliding back.
• Watch your feet when axes slide back on the ground.
• Wait until the axes have stopped moving before you pick them up.
• Ask staff help when retrieving an axe.
• Follow the buddy system – one axe per target, then walk down together to pick
up the axes.
• No trick shots.
• Never hand an axe to the next thrower, place the axe in the bin at the end of your turn.
• Be aware of your surroundings; no swinging, no gesturing, no flipping.
• Keep hands off the fencing.
• Inform the staff of any loose boards.
• No food or drink in lanes.

Let’s keep axe throwing safe, sane, fun and axe-ceptional!





WATL Rules


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  1. There are 4 ‘Killshots’ located within the 1 point ring of the target that consist of an ‘inner’ and ‘outer’ scoring area.

    1. Touching the scoring area of the inner Killshot is worth 8 points, and touching the scoring area of only the outer Killshot is worth 6 points.

    2. The pen line counts as part of the valid scoring area for both the inner and the outer Killshots.

  2. Killshots must be ‘called’ in order to count for points.

    1. To call a Killshot, a thrower must indicate to the judge that they intend to throw for Killshot.

      1. Once a Killshot is called and confirmed by the judge, the decision may not be changed.

      2. Killshots may not be called once either thrower has thrown.

    2. If a Killshot is called, failing to hit any part of a valid Killshot is worth 0 points.

    3. Only 2 Killshots may be called during the match.

      1. In the event of a drop on any throw (except the tenth), a thrower is awarded ONE extra Killshot attempt (for a maximum of 3 attempts)


Closing Targets

  1. Hitting any 6 point bullseye closes that bullseye for the remainder of the half

    1. Hitting the same bullseye a second time in the half results in a score of 5.

    2. All non-Killshot values open when opponents switch sides.

  2. Scoring points on a Killshot attempt closes both Killshots at that height.

    1. Killshots do not reset at the half.

    2. Hitting a second Killshot at the same height will count as a miss.

    3. If a thrower has been awarded a 3rd Killshot due to a dropped axe, and both heights have been hit, either height may be attempted.

  1. Scoring Area of the Axe

    1. The valid scoring area of the axe includes the axe head up to the front of the eye but not past it.

      1. If there is no visible eye, the valid scoring area is determined by where the front of the handle meets the axe head.

      2. Axes that contain more than one bit embedded in the target will score based on the valid, intended scoring area of the axe.

    2. An axe is scored based on the highest typical (non-closed) point value that touches the valid scoring area of the axe.

      1. Any part of the axe embedded below the scoring surface does not count for scoring.

      2. Axes cannot be moved to determine score and must be scored as they lie.

      3. Wood significantly shifted away from the intended scoring zone does not count for scoring. 

      4. If an axe falls to the ground before the lane judge scores the axe, that axe is counted as a drop.

  2. There are 5 thick black rings that outline the scoring area of the target.

    1. Target rings are scored according to the graphic shown here.

    2. Black marker rings are considered part of the scoring area of the lower of the two values they separate.

    3. Sticking in the target outside the outermost ring scores 0 points.

  3. There are 5 red bullseye targets on the board worth 6 points, each centered within a 5 point ring.

    1. 4 of these bullseyes are within the 3 ring, and one is in the center of the target.

    2. All 6s and the outer 5s are outlined with a ballpoint pen which counts as part of the scoring zone for that target.

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